Established in 2014, Netra Chikitsa Ayurved College is a premier educational institution serving the Kathiyawadi region of Gujarat with Ayurveda from both an academic and health standpoint. It is housed under the Netra Chikitsa Trust and is located in Amreli.
Today, as Ayurveda blossoms into a worldwide health system, we hope to play a crucial role in elevating this holistic science, which originated in our sacred land, and thereby disseminating the knowledge necessary to create a healthy community and serve as advocates for all-encompassing health.
Vital to preserving and improving Netra chikitsa Ayurvedic colleges’ educational standards. The following are the essential elements of an IQAC policy.
Aim and Objectives
- The main goal of the IQAC is to create a system that encourages deliberate, reliable, and effective action plans to enhance the institution’s administrative and academic performance.
- Its main goal is to improve quality by institutionalizing best practices and fostering an internal culture of quality.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Activities related to Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) at the college are planned, directed, and overseen by the IQAC.
- It organizes and focuses efforts on achieving academic achievement by bringing different projects together.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Periodic assessment and accreditation: The IQAC arranges for assessments and accreditations of the institution.
- Stimulating academic environment: It encourages quality teaching, learning, and research.
- Self-evaluation and accountability: The IQAC promotes self-evaluation, autonomy, and innovation.